***A Global Catastrophe***

A Global Catastrophe
Maria Irum
February 2020, it passed by smoothly and casually. Who knows where we are heading towards. Who knows what March will bring for us? A Global Catastrophe….
The city of Wuhan, in China, wasn’t aware of the pandemic crisis. They had insufficient knowledge regarding the globally rising catharsis. The emerging superpower wasn’t aware of this rising pandemic and how it will affect the entire world. This virus was spreading slowly and gradually, from China to Iran, from Italy to the United States, from Europe to Central Asia, and from East to West. 
Who knew that it would bring along miseries, suffering, financial inflation, diseases, illness, economical downfall, and last but not the least uncontrollable Death. 
Even till today's date, Corona is spreading its web far and wide. It seems like it wants us to be quarantined and isolated. It wants us to be separated from our loved ones. But it is asking for a lot of those things, which we as humans will never want to give up. Do you want to leave your friends and family and live in isolation? Or can you practice social distancing for more than a month or so? Can you live without good food or shopping?
What if it’s an act of revenge from God? What if we have upset the AlMighty so much that He doesn’t listen to us? Or What if we are reaping what we have sown? What if God is fulfilling the request made by a Syrian girl or a boy before dying? What if this pandemic is a reaction to all the deeds we have done in our lives till now? Have you ever thought that this might be a reaction to the prayers of the Kashmiri mother, whose son has been brutally killed and whose daughter has been assaulted in front of her? I want you to think, I want you to realize………
We as a nation have failed. Moreover, we as human beings have completely failed humanity. However, amongst all these global miseries and global catastrophes, there must be a flicker of hope. I believe there must be a glimmer of hope, As Helen Keller says,
  “although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it.”
We failed in everything, but instead of saying that ‘We Have failed’, now we should say that ‘We are Surviving in this Global Catastrophe.’
Living in quarantine or living in isolation, sums up a world of ‘Mutual Sharing’ for me. Despite the pandemic existence, we are still living, we are still breathing, we are still waking up and going back to sleep again, and we are eating and drinking, thanklessly. 
My optimistic approach towards overcoming the global catastrophe will continue until this situation ends. But at this stage, I cannot understand why we as human beings are changing or transforming into something good or something eviler. 
I am a ‘global catastrophic victim’ who cannot decide whether we are going towards recession or perhaps towards depression. It’s a form of the realization that during this pandemic, we are not losing our lands or knowledge, instead, we are losing ourselves. 
As Jason Furman (a former deputy director of the National Economic Council) says that
 “Here, there’s a deadly germ out there and you don’t want to go near it for your sake and your community's sake.” 
You are being isolated, not as a punishment, but as a security precaution. Perhaps, I am happy that we can save humanity in one way or the other. 
You might have thought about the exact life-changing moment that came into your life, inviting the global catastrophe into your verve and making you a part of it eventually. One day it was all ok and normal, while the other day it felt like life was seizing. 
I never believed that how something so drastic can happen so quickly, without warning or deadlines. I wish that it can be a dream, when I wake up everything will blow into the wind like a nightmare, but perhaps this is not the case.

We have to realize that we all are in it, meanwhile, we also have to realize that only the Almighty can save this world from the occurring Catastrophe Global.


Maria is a content writer she has done bachelor`s in English language and linguistic.

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